
Please feel free to create or enroll in virtual classrooms (teacher or student accounts, resp.) and make use of the mapping sim to support more effective, goal-oriented approaches to education in genetic and genomic sciences. If you want to “kick the tires” and experience the mapping sim as a student, please create a student account and then enoll in classroom “About page portal” by using enrollment code hdCzJ.

Please recognize that the mapping sim remains a work in progress and likely will be forever so. Bugs, complaints, and feedback, in general, is always welcome and can be sent via email to swoody@wisc.edu Your suggestions will be used to guide further refinement of the app. Finally, we acknowledge that a formal description of the sim and user tutorials are sorely needed and long overdue. I’m working on it. All teacher account holders will be notified by email when the how-to guide, including molecular details related to FPsc mutant alleles, is available. Likewise, we are in the process of establishing an online storefront through which interested parties may purchase F2 seed stocks in which mutant alleles are segregating. Registered users will be notified when the storefront “goes live”.

For additional information regarding FPsc genetic resources, please visit fpsc.wisc.edu.

The GameteMaker genetic mapping simulation was conceived by Scott Woody, Associate Scientist, working in the laboratory of Professor Rick Amasino, Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Programming assistance for web-based deployment was provided at the outset by Sean McMullin, Garrett Smith, and Andy Goldstein of the Academic Technology division of the UW-Madison Department of Information Technology. Refinement and further development of the sim was done by Cornel Ghiban, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Funding for development, deployment and continued maintenance of the GM sim is provided by the National Science Foundation award #1025965.